John Delyannis: Winner of the LHA’s Jeff Munn Volunteer of the Year Award for 2023-24

Congratulations to John Delyannis, winner of the LHA’s 2023-24 Volunteer of the Year Award. John has spent more than a decade volunteering for the LHA as team manager for his two sons’ teams. As one of the parents on the U17A team told us:

“My son’s team runs like a well oiled machine because of John. His dedication to the team goes way beyond any team manager I have ever experienced. Nothing is missed, nothing is forgotten and nothing is a mystery. His friendly, cheerful, fun loving, welcoming manner is truly appreciated and is one of the reasons why we love this team.”

Another parent put it like this:
“John Delyannis is the most dedicated and organized manager my kids have ever played under. He goes above and beyond to provide the boys with opportunities and is an amazing communicator with the families. He is at every game and practice, on the bench or off, where ever he is needed, no questions asked. He is a great role model for these young boys on carrying yourself with class and always delivering on commitments.”
One more parent described John this way:

“In his capacity as manager, John has been key in ensuring the finances of the team are transparent and accurate and is a key, approachable person. He has been a massive contributor to Leaside hockey, and he is long overdue to be recognized.”

Part of John’s massive contribution to Leaside Hockey includes the two terms, or six years, that John spent as VP Ice on the LHA Board of Directors. In that role, John was responsible for securing, contracting and allocating all the ice used by the Association. It is a significant role on the Board and John approached it with total dedication and impeccable accuracy.

Another parent had this to say about John:
“Very organized, always willing to go above and beyond and hours and hours volunteered to make Leaside the fantastic organization it is. John is very deserving of this award and overdue for recognition.”
Individuals like John are why the LHA continues to exist and thrive. This award is only a small recognition for all John has given to the Association. Please join us in thanking John for all his hard work and the many contributions he has made to Leaside Hockey.

About the Award

The Jeff Munn Volunteer of the Year Award is given each year to the individual who, in the view of the LHA Board of Directors, has made an outstanding volunteer contribution to the Association. Individuals are selected based on the nominations put forward by members of Leaside Hockey. The award is named in honour of Jeff Munn who served for six years on the LHA Board of Directors: three as the head of the Select program and three as Treasurer. As head of Select, Jeff played a key role in the transformation of our Select program. Jeff improved the objectivity of the tryout process by adding third-party invigilators, and he expanded the program to accommodate as many children and teams as possible. Jeff applied the same commitment to his work as Treasurer, and he played a large part in bringing the LHA into the digital age.